Smart workbooks

Add interactivity and rich behavior to your workbooks using SQL and .NET

Automate with SQL

Set up interactive workbooks that use SQL to update their own data as well as data in databases. Share the workbook with your business users - all they need to use it is the QueryStorm runtime.

Automating workbooks with SQL

Automate with .NET

Add business logic to your workbooks to give them behavior. With Excel for data storage and UI and .NET for business logic, it's easy to create powerful interactive documents!

Smart workbooks with .NET

Strongly typed

Each time you modify Excel tables in a workbook, QueryStorm automatically generates strongly typed .NET types for accessing their data. Think of it as an ORM for Excel tables.

Strongly typed tables


When automating workbooks, take advantage of QueryStorm's model-binding API to make interacting with Excel a snap. Write your business logic in component classes and simply apply binding attributes to handle synchronization with workbook tables and cells.

Share your workbooks

Once you're done automating your workbook, share it via email, One Drive, Google Drive... The interactivity is baked into the workbook, all that's needed in order to use it is the QueryStorm Runtime.

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